Norlie L.

Norlie L.

Norlie  is a bright twenty year old who has struggled all her life to get through school. She lives with her mother, five brothers, and one sister, and because their mother has no reliable source of income, she has not been able to afford to put all of her children...

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Rachel S.

Rachel S.

Rachel is a precious seven year old who lives with her parents, six sisters, and five brothers In the village of Cargo near Galette Chambon. She and her twin sister go to BGM Primary school. Both are in great need of a sponsor because they are behind in school and...

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Christopher J.B.

Christopher J.B.

Christopher is a five year old in our Hope Center kindergarten program. His father is a local pastor and his mother recently started working at BGM Primary as what is called a "Dame de Servis" which is a helper who helps out with the preschoolers. She takes them to...

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Emithly A.

Emithly A.

Emithly is a four year old who lives in Hope Center Village with his aunt and uncle and four cousins. His uncle is disabled since the earthquake and his aunt has been laid off from her job as a cook for the last two years. They took Emithly in after his mother died...

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Shelda S.

Shelda S.

Shelda is a ten year old 1st grader at BGM Primary. She and her twin sister both go to our BGM Primary School. Both are in great need of a sponsor because they are behind in school and they need to be able to try to catch up. She lives in Galette Chambon with her...

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Daphterline B.

Daphterline B.

Daphterline is is a fourteen year old 8th grader who loves to study English! She lives with her father, four sisters and three brothers in Galette Chambon. Her mother used to teach at Maranatha school, but she died of COVID last year. Her father does not have a job,...

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Wender J.

Wender J.

Wender is a 2nd grader at BGM Primary School. He is a little behind in school because his parents have not been able to afford to send him to school. However, this year, we hope to find Wender a sponsor so that he no longer has to sit out of school because of...

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Chimchishania J.

Chimchishania J.

Chimchaishania is a fourteen year old from the village of Gros-Balanse near Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, brother, and three sisters. Her mother does not have a source of income. She depends on the goodness of family members to help her support her...

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Phara P.

Phara P.

Phara is a fifteen year old girl who lives with her parents, five sisters, and three brothers in the village of Galette Chambon. Her parents work as local farmers. The farm corn, millet, and beans, depending on the season. They work very hard to make enough money to...

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Wilguenson J.

Wilguenson J.

Wilguenson is a seven year old from the village of Barawonn near Galette Chambon. He lives  with his grandmother and two brothers. His grandmother has no reliable source of income. Wilguenson loves school, but his grandmother is unable to pay for it. Once he was...

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Woodelson D.

Woodelson D.

Woodelson is a lively little three year old who lives with is father, five brothers, and two sisters in the village of Galette Chambon. His father is a farmer, but he does not make enough money to support the whole family by himself. Woodelson's mother died after...

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Daphney P.

Daphney P.

Daphney is a fourteen year old girl from the village of Hate Cotin who lives with her parents, three brothers and five sisters. She and her sisters Florence and Phara all are hoping to find sponsors to be able to go to the BGM School in Galette Chambon together. Her...

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Fednelson S.

Fednelson S.

Fednelson is a bright little six year old who lives with his mother, two brothers, and one sister in the village of Galette Chambon. His mother doesn't have a reliable source of income, so she struggles to feed her children. She wants desperately for her son to be...

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Sheeznaelle G.

Sheeznaelle G.

Sheenaelle is an eleven year old from the village of Bonette near Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, brother, and three sisters. Her mother does not have any reliable source of income. Last year she was working as a cook at a school in Bonnette, but after the...

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Florence P.

Florence P.

Florence is an eleven year old girl from the village of Hate Cotin. She lives near Fadjooly and Fobert and she heard that they were applying for sponsorship to go to BGM School and her parents wanted her to apply too. Once they all get sponsored, they will walk to...

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Fobert J.

Fobert J.

Fobert is an eleven year old boy from Hate Cotin. He lives in the same village as Fadjooly who is also applying for sponsorship. If they two of them are sponsored, they plan to walk to school together every day so Fadjooly's dad doesn't have to. Fobert and his six...

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Misterlande L.

Misterlande L.

Misterlande is a thirteen year old girl from Galette Chambon who lives with a local pastor and his wife. They took Misterlande and her brother in last year when their parents died. Her father was a mechanic and her mother was a vendor, but when both died suddenly of...

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Weedarline B.

Weedarline B.

Weedarline is a thirteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her mother and two brothers. Her father left the family after the birth of her youngest brother and they have not seen him since. Her mother does not have any source of income to...

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Leomano B.

Leomano B.

Leomano is a nine year old from the village of Nan Kadas which is a part of the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents, three brothers, and one sister. His parents are share croppers in the village and although they are thankful to have some form of...

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Joel A.

Joel A.

Joel Is a fourteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother, two brothers and one sister. His father was a mechanic, but he died two years ago and left the family with no source of income. The mother tries to make a little money by...

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Jovenson B.

Jovenson B.

Jovenson is a thirteen year old from Galette Chambon who lives with his parents, three sisters, and two brothers. His parents are farmers in the village and their income is not dependable which makes it completely difficult to pay for all of their children to go to...

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Patrick  E.

Patrick E.

Patrick is a bright and loving fourteen year old who lives with his parents, two sisters, and four brothers in the village of Bayawonn near Galette Chambon. His parents are farmers so their entire income is dependent on whether or not they have rain. Their land is...

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Steika O.

Steika O.


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Sheesnaël G.

Sheesnaël G.

Sheesnaël is a precious ten year old from the village of Bonette who lives with her mother, three sisters, and one brother. Although Sheesnael is ten years old, she is only in the first grade right now because she has never been able to go to school before. She has...

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Jean Woodlin M.

Jean Woodlin M.

Jean Woodlin is a bright thirteen year old from the village of Dalgros near Galette Chambon. He lives with his father, four sisters, and one brother. His father works as a farmer in the village. He works very hard all day long working the soil. He is very proud of his...

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Edson E.

Edson E.

Edson is a bright twelve year old from the village of Placement near Galette Chambon. He lives with a pastor in his village because his parents left and went to another country and never returned. He doesn't know if he has any siblings. The pastor who keeps him wants...

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Mideléne P.

Mideléne P.

Mideléne is a sweet little eight year old from the village of Galette Chambon. She is an orphan who was taken in by her aunt after her mother died giving birth to her baby brother. She and her brother live with their aunt now. Her aunt does not have a steady source of...

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Kenley S.

Kenley S.

Kenley is a lively little eight year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents and two brothers. He and his brother Ivenelson are both looking for sponsors because even though their parents own a business in the village, they don't make much...

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Ivenelson S.

Ivenelson S.

Ivenelson is a smart little ten year old from Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents and  two brothers. His parents make a little bit of money each month as local business owers, but it is not enough to support their family and pay for school too. They struggle...

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Frantzso S.

Frantzso S.

Frantzso is an orphan who lives in the village of Ti Source with a guardian. He never met his mother because she died in childbirth, and his father abandoned them before he was born. The local pastor found someone who was willing to take care of him. He is thirteen...

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Tenorson L.

Tenorson L.

Tenorson is a bright fourteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents, two sisters, and three brothers. His father is a tailor and his mother is a vendor at the local market. It is good that they both have jobs, but neither of them make...

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Djenika C.

Djenika C.

Djenika is a hard working fourteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, two sisters, and two brothers. Her mother does not have a source of income at all. Her older brother works as a moto tap tap driver to try to make a little...

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Wogendorff C.

Wogendorff C.

Wogendorff is a bright thirteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents, grandmother, five sisters, and two brothers. His father is a professor and his mother is a vendor at market. His grandmother is not in good health and his parents...

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Scherley A.

Scherley A.

  Scherley is a bright and happy fourteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon. She lives with her father, four sisters, and three brothers. Her mother died several years ago, and her father struggles to provide for all of his children. He is a mechanic...

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Lourdina S. P.

Lourdina S. P.

Lourdina Is an eighteen year old who lives in the village of Place Charles near Galette Chambon. She lives with her aunt so that she can go to BGM High School which is well known as one of the best schools in the area. She has seven sisters and four brothers. Being...

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Rima P.

Rima P.

Rima is an eighteen year old who lives in Galette Chambon. He lives with his cousin so that he can be close to his school.  He has five sisters, and three brothers. His father is a farmer in another village, and his mother takes the produce to market to sell along...

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Mykendy J.

Mykendy J.

Mykendy is in K2 at BGM's Maranatha School. He is five years old and lives with his parents, two sisters and brother in the village of Dalgros. It takes him a long time to walk to school every day, but he is thankful to be able to go to school and he enjoys the walk...

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Woodina P.

Woodina P.

Woodina is in K3 at BGM's Maranatha School. She lives with her mother, father, three sisters and ten brothers in the village of Galette Chambon. Her parents try to work as sharecroppers on a local farm, but they do not make enough money to support sixteen people....

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Woodarline J. B.

Woodarline J. B.

  Woodarline is a third grader at BGM Primary. She lives with her parents, sister, and brother in the village of Galette Chambon. Her father is a local pastor and works bi-vocationally as a moto tap tap driver. He is also president of a local organization that...

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Widnyline S.

Widnyline S.

Widnyline is in K3 at BGM Primary School. She lives with her mother, two sisters, and five brothers. Their father does not live with them, however, he does live in a nearby village and he helps their mother as much as he can. Widnyline has a twin sister named...

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Widnylie S.

Widnylie S.

  Widnylie is in K3 at our BGM Primary School. She lives with her mother, two sisters and five brothers in the village of Bonnet near Galette Chambon. Their father does not live with them, however, he does live in a nearby village and he helps their mother as...

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Widlene O.

Widlene O.

Widlene is in K3 at our BGM Primary school. She is part of a very large family. She has 4 brothers and 3 sisters and she is the baby of the family. She lives with her parents in the village of Gros Balanse. Her father is a farmer and her mother takes produce and sells...

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Wanchyse J.

Wanchyse J.

  Wanchyse is a 1st grader at BGM Primary. She and her brother, Belson both go to our BGM Primary School. Both are in great need of a sponsor. She lives in Galette Chambon with their parents, sister, and two brothers. Neither of her parents are in good health and...

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Wandina G.

Wandina G.

Wandina is a 7th grader at BGM High School. She lives with her parents in the village of Dalgro near Galette Chambon. She does not have any siblings, however, her parents have no source of income at all, so they struggle to find ways to provide for themselves. Wandina...

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Starlina J. B.

Starlina J. B.

Starlina is a 3rd grader at BGM Primary School. She lives with her parents, sister, and brother in the village of Galette Chambon. Her father is a local pastor and works bi-vocationally as a moto tap tap driver. He is also president of a local organization that...

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Stanley Y.

Stanley Y.

Stanley is a 5th grader at BGM Primary School. He is behind in school because his mother has not been able to afford to send him to school. The BGM schools are not extremely expensive like most other schools, and they allow students to make payments, so Stanley's...

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Sophania P.

Sophania P.

Sophania is a spunky little 8 year old who is in K2 at BGM Primary School. She is behind in school because her family has not been able to afford to send her to school. She has other siblings in school, but they have sponsors, so they are able to go. Sophania has been...

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Sandia D.

Sandia D.

Sandia is a 1st grader at BGM's Maranatha School. She lives with her parents, three sisters, and one brother in the village of Galette Chambon. Her parents try hard to support the family as vendors in the local market, but the economy is not good and they barely make...

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Rykenlo J.

Rykenlo J.

  Rykenlo is a 6th grader at BGM Primary School. He is thankful for the opportunity to go to BGM schools so that he can finally concentrate on getting an education and having a better future. He is behind in school, but he is determined to make a better future...

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Roudelaine D.

Roudelaine D.

Roudelaine is an 11th grader at BGM High School. She lives with her mother, one sister, and two brothers in the area of Haut Galette in Galette Chambon. If you have been to Hope Center, you may have met her brothers Amschel and Schemally. Her father moved to France...

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