Robedson D.

Robedson is thirteen years old and he lives in Galette Chambon with is mom, dad and seven siblings. His parents are farmers and his mother will be helping as a cook with the feeding program for the school. His father often helps out with construction projects at the...

Natalie I.

Natalie is sixteen years old and lives in Galette Chambon with her mother and two sisters and four brothers. Her father lives in Brazil trying to find work to support the family. Her favorite subject in school is mathematics and when she is not in school she likes to...

Steevenson M.

  Steevenson is ten years old and lives in Galette Chambon with his mother who is a vendor and his father who is a farmer. He also lives with his two sisters and baby brother. Mesir is excited to be able to go to school with is cousin Jean Louis this year because of...

Steevenson J. L.

Steevenson is eight years old and lives in Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother and father, grandfather, and brother and three older sisters. His parents and grandfather are all farmers. Mesir Steevenson is his cousin. His birthday is December 27th and he is...

Miseloley I.

  Miseloley is twelve years old and lives in a nearby village called Place Charles. She lives with her mother and father who are farmers in Galette Chambon. Miseloley loves to help her mother cook the vegetables she brings home from market, especially rice. She...

Neftalie N.

Neftalie is nine years old and lives in Galette Chambon with her mother, father, and two brothers. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a vendor who sells snacks outside the school. She and her brothers are well known by teams at Hope Center because they attend...