John Kerry J.

JOHN KERRY is a precious three year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents, two brothers, and one sister. His parents farm and work as vendors in the local market. It has been extremely difficult to support the family in the last few years,...

Ivania J.

IVANIA is a happy nine year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her parents, four brothers, and one sister. If she is able to start school, she will start in the second grade. Her parents are farmers who sell their produce in market. It has been...

Fens G.

Fens is a bright fifteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with his parents, three brothers, and two sisters. His parents are farmers who sell their produce in the local market. They have struggled to make ends meet in the last two years because...

Edline J.

Edline is a bright and happy, petite eleven year old who lives in the village of Coupette near Galette Chambon. She lives with her parents, four brothers, and one sister. Her parents are farmers who work a garden and sell their produce in market. They have done fairly...

David T.

David is a comical and happy four year old from an area in Galette Chambon called Plasman. He lives with his parents, two brothers, and two sisters. His parents are farmers who sell their produce in the local market, but the economy has plummeted in the last two years...