Doudline P.

Doudline was first sponsored in 2015 when she was three years old. She was able to go to school until she was six when her father died and her mother had to move her children to an area called Boucandrice to live with family there. The house they had been living in...

Lovena P.

Lovena is five years old and she is so excited that she might be able to go to school this year that she can hardly stand it. She lives with her mother, sister, and two brothers in the village of Cargo. She used to be in our sponsorship program before her father died...

Madelene D. L

Madeline is a happy and loving fourteen year old who comes from a very large family. She lives with her parents and eleven siblings. She is behind in school because her parents could not afford to send her to school when she first became old enough to start. Two of...

Pedro C.

Pedro Cadet is eight years old and his favorite thing ever is going to school and when he is not in school, he loves to study. His favorite subject is mathematics. He is not happy when he can’t go to school. Pedro lives in Galette Chambon with is mother who is a cook...

Jackson D.

  Jackson Darè is fourteen years old and lives in Galette Chambon with his mother and father. His father is a farmer that works in the corn fields with five other farmers in the village. Jackson’s birthday is June 2nd and he loves to play soccer. His favorite...

Edson P.

Edson  is twelve years old and he lives in Galette Chambon with his mother and father, three brothers, and four sisters. His birthday is January 28th. His father is a mason who works on houses and his mother is a really good cook. Edson went to school last year, but...