Sponsorship #: 2016-00-181S
Birthday: March 12, 1998 

 Marie Berline Filsaime is eighteen years old and lives in a nearby village called Gwo Balancè. She lives with her mother and father and three sisters and two brothers. Neither of her parents have jobs. Sometimes her father works in local gardens for big farmers so he can make some money for the family. Sometimes her mother cooks and sells food to support the family, but they don’t always have the money to buy things she can make. Marie Berline tries to help her mother with the children, and that is why she has not been able to go to school for over five years. She really wants to get back into school and graduate so she can go to a trade school and learn to sew. She thinks that her favorite subjects will be math and French, but she isn’t really sure. It’s been so long since she has been able to go to school. She is really excited about the possibility of returning to school and she prays every day that she will soon find a sponsor.