Judeline I.

Judeline is twelve years old and lives in Galette Chambon with her mother, father, grandmother, two brothers and one sister. Her mother works a garden and sells produce, her father is a mason and works on houses, and her grandmother is a midwife. Judeline is excited...

McInlove O.

McInlove is nine years old and lives in a neighboring village called Placmal near Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother and father and five brothers. He has one brother that is going to go to school with him this year. His name is Gergens and he is in the...

Stanley D.

Stanley is fourteen years old and lives in Galette Chambon with is mother, grandparents, two brothers and two sisters. If you know Bicly, you recognize that Stanley looks just like him because Stanley is Bicly’s brother! Stanley’s mother has a small store in her house...

Djena D.

Djena D is ten years old and lives in Gros Balance near Galette Chambon. Her birthday is July 24th. Her parents are both farmers and they work long hours in the garden. Djena likes to help take care of her little brother when they are working. Djena also likes to help...

Jean-C. L.

Jean-Claude Loreston is 17 years old, lives in Galette Chambon, and he is so happy that he has the opportunity to return to school. He used to go to school, but now that his younger sisters are all in school, there is not enough money for all of them to go. When he...

Evensly O.

Evensly Orulis is 13 years old and his birthday is September 16th. He lives in Galette Chambon with his parents who are farmers. His mother also works as a vendor and his father sometimes works as a mason. He has four brothers who are all younger than him. Evensly...