Thianah Geffrard

Birthday: August, 20, 2000
Sponsorship #: 2016-00-117M  


Thainah Geffrard is a sixteen year old girl who moved to Galette Chambon with her large family from the tent city on Delmas 33. She was one of the original residents to move to the new village. She has one brother and three sisters. Her mother is a vendor at the Hope Center marketplace and her father does odd jobs as well as works in the terrace gardens at Hope Center. Thainah has grown up at Hope Center over the last three years. She arrived as a spunky adolescent and she has grown into a beautiful young woman with hope and dreams for her future. She said that when she moved to Galette Chambon from the city, she was afraid because she was used to living in the city. However, she said that she immediately felt safer in her new home. Her biggest fear was her future. She says she didn’t know where or even if she would be able to go to school. Since then, she has learned that God provides our needs and He has provided a way for her to go to a school and get a good education that will help her achieve her goals. She wants to be a nurse when she grows up, and she is very excited about being on the new girls soccer team at her school.