Widelanne D.

Widelanne Dume is fifteen years old and in the 8th grade. She lives in Galette Chambon with her parents, two sisters and seven brothers. She loves to study English and social science. In her free time, she loves to read the Bible! Her parents don’t have jobs, which...

Daphenika V.

Daphenika Vil is sixteen year old 7th grader who loves the Lord. She lives in Galette Chambon with her parents, four sisters and two brothers. Her favorite classes are English and French, and she likes to read her Bible during her spare time. She also loves her...

Nadege Paul

Nadege lives in Mathias where there is no school and will have to walk an hour each way to attend school in Thoman but is very excited at the possibility of attending school She live with her parents and they are farmers.  She has 3 brothers and 3 sisters.  She likes...

Mickenson G.

  Mickenson Gustave is a sixteen year old boy who lives in Place Charles. At sixteen he has a lot of responsibilities around the house. One of his main jobs is to help his father in their garden.  After school, he comes home to change clothes and sets out to help...

Darlice V.

  Davice is a twenty year old young man who loves going to school.  He hopes one day that he can work as a construction boss.  His favorite subjects in school are Grammar and Math. The reason Darlice is older yet still in school is because before his mom adopted...