Linianora E.

  Linianora is a twelve year old from the village of Gwo Balanse near Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, father, two brothers and two sisters. Neither of her parents have full time jobs. They sometimes grow things in a small garden to sell at market, but...

Mina O.

Mina is almost eighteen and she is so very happy that Pastor Johel let her go to school pending a sponsor because now she has passed and is moving on to the high school! She comes from the village of Gwo Balanse near Galette Chambon and she has a very large family...

Djenie D.

Djenie is a quiet little seven year old from the village of Gwo Balanse near Galette Chambon. She has two brothers and they all live with their parents who keep a garden so they can sell produce in the market to feed and provide for their family. Djenie is excited...

Changlet Bretoux

  Changlet has 3 brothers and his father is a farmer.  His favorite activities are playing, eating and studying.  His favorite color is black and his favorite subject is English.