Islove D.

  Islove is a cheerful little eight year old from Galette Chambon who lives with her mother, one brother and one sister. Her father lives in another village and does not really have anything to do with them anymore. When her father left their family, it was...

Odilon W.

Odilon is a brilliant fifteen year old from the village of Boucandrice who lives with his mother, father, six sisters, and three brothers. Boucandrice is quite a distance from the BGM Secondary School in Galette Chambon, but Odilon and several friends all walk...

Lovetalie A.

  Lovetalie is a bright sixteen-year-old girl from the village of Bwa Chandel. It is quite a distance to walk from her village to the BGM Secondary School in Galette Chambon, but she has several friends that also go to the school, and they all walk together every...

Melienne F.

  Melienne is a lovely, bright thirteen year old with dreams of becoming a nurse one day. She comes from the village of Boucandrice which is near Galette Chambon, but still a fairly long hike to the BGM Secondary School. She lives with her mother and father and five...

Christella D.

Christella is a beautiful young lady with a story of courage and faith. She recently moved in with her aunt on the Hill at Hope Center. Her aunt’s name is Gina and they recently found one another under difficult circumstances. Christella was born in a coastal...

Ronaldson J.

  Ronaldson is a bright young man from the village of Galette Chambon. He is fifteen years old and in the 9th grade. He lives with his mother and one sister. Their father died several years ago. His mother works hard to support the family by making and selling...