Mylove D.

Mylove is a loving little eight year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her mother, two sisters, and one brother. Her mother is a vendor in the village and she sells food items like tomato paste, macaroni, canned milk, and crackers. She...

Brenon R.

Brenon is a loving twelve year old who lives with his father and one brother. His father is a mason in the village of Dal Grow. When his father is able to find work, the family does okay, but when he doesn’t have a house to work on, the family struggles. They...

Rivaldo D.(Douan)

  Douane is a lively little six year old with a passion for friendship. Douane considers himself a friend to everyone he knows and he wants more and more friends. He is from the village of Gwo Balanse near Galette Chambon and he lives with his mother, two...

Sonel J.

Sonel is a kind, energetic fifteen year old from the village of Gwo Balanse near Galette Chambon. He has three sisters and eight brothers. Four of his siblings are school age, and he is the only one not sponsored. His favorite subject in school is reading. He said his...

Jalanda P.

Jalanda is the sweet little sister of Jovensky, Edson, and Redondo that many teams know. Teams have come to know and love this whole family as they have come to know their story. Jalanda is actually their adopted sister. Her mother was the best friend of the...

Dana S.

  Dana is a beautiful, bright young lady who goes to our BGM High School. She lives with her mother, two brothers, and sister in the village of Gros Balanse. The family is very poor and have no source of income to speak of. They struggle to survive and often...