Ronita L.

Ronita is a hard working fifteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon. She lives with her father, brother, and sister. Her father is a farmer and he works so hard in his garden, but the constant droughts reduce his income every year. Ronita tries to supplement...

Ritha T.

Ritha is a bright fifteen year old from the village of Dalgros near Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, father and sister. Her mother is a vendor in the village and her father is a farmer. She loves school very much, and she is so proud of how much her school...

Mastherline R.

Mastherline is a quiet, gentle fourteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon. She lives with her grandmother and two sisters, ages six and nine. When Mastherline was nine years old, her parents abandoned her and moved to Brazil. She has not seen nor talked...

Davidson S.

Davidson is a loving, energetic ten year old who wants to be a doctor when he grows up. He lives in the village of Galette Chambon with his mom, dad, three brothers and three sisters. His parents own a small store in the village that sells rice, canned goods, oil, and...

Samson S.

Samson is a bright and energetic ten year old with big dreams. He lives with his mother, three sisters, and three brothers in the village of Galette Chambon. His parents used to run a small store in the village that struggled to stay open, but it did make enough money...

Chamaelle A.

Chamaelle is a timid little three year old who is just now old enough to start school. She lives with her grandparents, mother, father, and sister in the village of Place Charles near Galette Chambon. Her mother works as a cook at the school and her father works as a...