Ricardinio J.

Ricardinio is a bright eight year old from the area of Place Charles in Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents and two sisters. Her parents do not have a reliable source of income. His two sisters have sponsors in school, but Ricardinio has not yet found a...

Lovelie L.

  Lovelie is a quiet and loving ten year old who lives in Hope Center Village with her father, step-mother, sister, and four brothers. Up until this year, she lived with her mother, but her mother died of a serious illness in July, so Lovelie and her little...

Chimchai O.

Chimchai (pronounced “Shem-shy”) is a bright ten year old from the village of Placeman near Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents, three sisters, and two brothers. His parents do not have any consistent source of income. In an effort to get more...

Felando P.

Felando is a lively little eight year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with his mother and two sisters. Felando and his sister Felantina have not been able to go to school because their mother has no source of income and she cannot afford to send them...

Bens P.L.

Bens is a very special addition to our sponsorship program because his story is phenomenal. In June of 2015, we were getting ready to go out an watch the sunset behind Hope Center when someone came flying up on a moto holding a child in their arms. The mother was...

Magdalina E

Magdaline is in the 10th grade at the school in Thoman and her favorite subject is Biology.  Magdaline would love to be a nurse when she grows up.  Her father is a farmer and has a truck for hire, and her mother is a street vendor for rice, sugar and oil. She has 5...