Hamalica A.

Hamalica (pronouced “Hom-al-ika”) is in K1 at our BGM Primary School. She lives in the village of Hope Center in Galette Chambon with her gandmother. She is living with her grandmother so that she can have a chance to go to school. Her parents are young...

Eugeline M.

Eugeline is a 10th grader at our BGM High School. She lives in the village of Galette Chambon with her mother, father, brother, and sister. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a teacher. Her mother make decent money, but her father’s income is very...

Edwens J.

Edwens is a 2nd grader at BGM’s Maranatha School. We are in the process of adding about 70 young people to our sponsorship page. In order to do this, we have to conduct interviews with each one of them and enter that information onto their sponsorship webpage....

Djeena A.

  Djeena (prounounced “Gina”) is in 4th grade at our BGM Primary School. She lives with her aunt and five cousins in the village above Hope Center. She came to live with her aunt last summer because her mother became very sick and had to go to the...

Dieubenson T.

Dieubenson (pronounced “Dyoo-ben-son”) is in K2 at BGM’s Maranatha School in Galette Chambon. Dieubenson is a five year old who lives in the village of Galette Chambon with his grandfather. His mother died shortly after he was born and his father is...