Djourangeka B.

DJOURANGEKA is a shy seven year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her parents and four brothers. Her mother does not have a job and her father is a farmer and share cropper. They try to sell whatever produce they can at market in order to feed the...

Rosemanie L.

  ROSEMANIE is a precious little 2 1/2 year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her mother, sister, and three brothers. Her father left the family after she was born because he is an ougan which is a voodoo priest and her mother is a Christian. Her...

Anobe L.

ANOBE is a five year old from the village of Galette Chambon who is extremely familiar to the BGM Family. Anobe was in our malnutrition program a little over three years ago, and we were unsure if he was going to survive. Now, as school is about to start, we are...

Christel Jn P.

CHRISTEL is a happy little seven year old who lives in the village of Galette Chambon with her parents and four sisters. She and her sister Chebania are seeking sponsorship so that they can go to school. Her parents have a small market next to their house where they...

Marie Chebania J.P.

MARIE CHEBANIA  is a very smart ten year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her parents and four sisters. She and her sister Christel are seeking sponsorship so that they can go to school. Her parents have a small market next to their house where...

Chamaelle D.

CHAMAELLE is a shy little seven year old from the village of Cargo near Galette Chambon. She lives with her grandmother, two sisters, and one brother. Her grandmother is a farmer and share cropper in the village. Her mother died two years ago and her father moved to...