Chamaelle S.

CHAMAELLE is a petite five year old with a giant personality. She lives with her parents and sister in the area of Plasman in Galette Chambon. Her parents are farmers on a large farm. They usually make pretty good money as farmers, but with the current bad economy and...

Chaina I.

CHAINA is a petit three year old in the BGM Preschool K1 class. She lives with her mother and father and two brothers and two sisters in Galette Chambon. Her parents are vendors in the local market, but the economy has tanked in the last few years, so it has become...

Bethsaida J.

BETHSAIDA is a timid little five year old in K2 at BGM Preschool. She lives in the village of Bonet near Galette Chambon with her caregiver and brother. Her parents died last year after a vicious gang attacked their village, killing many people including her parents....

Benley G.

Benley is a ten year old who lives in the village of Gros Balanse who lives with his parents, two brothers and two sisters. His parents work a garden together and his mother takes the produce each day to market to sell. She only makes about two or three dollars a day...

Alionise V.

ALIONISE is a bright 14 year old in the 5th grade at BGM Primary. She lives in the village of Gwo Balans near Galette Chambon with a care giver, her three brothers, and the five other children belonging to her caregiver. Her parents are no longer living, so they live...