Sidney P.

Sidney is 8 years old and his birthday is April 6th. He lives with his mother and two sisters and one brother in the new village on the hill near Hope Center in Galette Chambon. His mother works in the orphanage at Hope Center. He loves living in Galette Chambon and...

Israel H.

Israel is 16 years old and his birthday is September 23rd. He has been in the program since he was eleven years old. He lives in the new village on the hill near Hope Center in Galette Chambon with his aunt and uncle. His parents lost their lives in the earthquake of...

Elizer G.

Elizer Geffrard is fifteen years old and his birthday is December 27th. He lives in the new village at Hope Center in Galette Chambon with his aunt and uncle and cousins. His parents were killed in the earthquake of 2010 and his Uncle Makil agreed to take him into the...

Rivens F.

Rivens is sixteen years old and his birthday is November 26th. He has been in the sponsorship program since he was eleven years old, and he has depended upon sponsorship to be able to go to school. If he isn’t sponsored, he can’t afford to go to school. ...

Angelo C.

Angelo is fourteen years old and lives with his aunt on the hill in Hope Center Village in Galette Chambon. Angelo lost both of his parents in the earthquake of 2010 and his aunt agreed to take him in and the two of them moved to Galette Chambon to start a new life...

Johnny J.

Johnny (John Bily) Joachin is sixteen years old and his birthday is January 27th. He lives in Gros Balance near Galette Chambon with his mother and four brothers and two sisters. Johnny has a part time job working at Hope Center doing odd jobs to help his mother...