Bilandine E.

Bilandine is twelve years old and in the seventh grade. She lives in a small village called Boucandrice near Galette Chambon. She walks to school every day with her friends who also go to school in Galette Chambon. So far all of her friends that she walks with have...

Sauveur L.

Sauveur Lecknord – is a very athletic fourteen year old who lives in the village of Galette Chambon with his father and brother and sister. His favorite thing to do is play soccer and he would love to play soccer professionally. However, he knows that not many...

Frantzdy O.

Frantzdy Onias is a 17 year old boy who lives in Galette Chambon with his parents, three brothers and five sisters. His parents are farmers and they grow corn and millet on a small farm where they also raise goats and chickens. Frantzdy is so excited about the...

Guerline J.R.

  Guerline Jean-Risme is a 15 year old girl from the village of Galette Chambon. She lives with her parents and four brothers and one sister. The family owns a business of growing and selling plantains on the family farm. They make a decent living, but not enough to...

Daphelie J.

Daphelle is a 17 year old girl that lives in a village called Gros Balance near Galette Chambon. She has one brother and six sisters and they all live with their father who is a farmer. Daphelle loves to read and she reads as much as she can in her Bible when she...