Idiflore P.

Idiflore is a bright twenty year old who has been trying to finish school for quite some time, but she refuses to give up. Her family lost everything in the earthquake and she missed several years of school afterwards as the family was trying to figure out what to do....

Dabenchy E.

Dabenchy is a happy little three year old who lives with his beautiful mom, Darlene, sister, and two brothers. They live in the village of Bwa Galette. His big brother goes to school already because he has a sponsor. His brother’s name is Lobens, and Dabenchy...

Kenderson C

  Kenderson is in the 2nd grade of Kindergarten at the school in Thoman. He lives with his parents and has 1 brother and 2 sisters. His father is a farmer and his mother is a street vendor. Kenderson’s favorite subject in school is coloring and his favorite...

Jimmy A.

Jimmy is a precious little eight year old who lives with his adoptive mother. He was born to a young mother in the village who could not take care of him, so his adoptive mother took him in as her own and has been raising him ever since. His adoptive mother already...

Roseberline A.

Roseberline is a happy little eight year old who loves to help her mom work around the house. She lives with her mother, sister, and two brothers in Galette Chambon. Her father died last year. Her mother does not have a source of income. Her grandparents have tried to...

Vladimy P.

Vladimy is a hard working young man with goals. He lives with his parents, one sister, and one brother. His parents work a garden and sell the produce in a local market. They don’t make much money, especially when there is no rain and their crops burn up....