Sendy L.

Sendy is a fourteen year old boy that lives in the village of Bo Plas in the zone of Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother, father, sister, and five brothers. Their father is a share cropper for a local farmer and their mother does not have a source of income....

Ritchy J. L.

  Ritchy is a fourteen year old boy from the village of Gros Balanse near Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother, three brothers, and three sisters. Their father died several years ago of malaria. His mother has no source of income other than helping with some...

Vednel L.

  Vednel is a seventeen year old from the village of Katrin about 5 miles from Galette Chambon. He and his two brothers and one sister walk every day to school. Because the high school meets every day from 1 in the afternoon until 5 in the afternoon, it is very...

Maudelaine C.

Maudelaine is a bright fifth grader at MEBEA school who cannot wait to get to the high school. She works really hard in school to try to catch up so that she can move on to the high school. She lives in the village of Plasman near Galette Chambon with her mother,...

Nerline J.

Nerline is a fifteen year old from the village of Gros Balanse who has big plans for her future. She wants to learn English and become a nurse so she can work in a hospital and also translate for American doctors who come help the people of her country. She lives with...

Dacheline P

Dacheline is in the 3rd grade in school and has 4 brothers and 1 sister.  Her parents are farmers.  Her favorite subject in school is Math and she wants to be a teacher when she grows up.