Jimmy M.

Jimmy is eight years old. His birthday is February 19th. He lives in Galette Chambon with this mom and dad and two sisters and one brother. All of them are in different schools. His mother is unemployed right now but she is taking English classes to improve her...

Nayder A.

Nieder is 13 years old and his birthday is October 20th. He used to be in our sponsorship program but his mother and older brother took him out and sent him to another school. His older brother was the one helping him pay for school at first, but after a few months,...

Jean-Peter J.

Jean-Peter Joseph is 10 years old and his birthday is September 12th. He lives in Galette Chambon and he has one sister and three brothers. His father drives a moto taxi and his mother is deceased. He loves school and he enjoys playing soccer with his friends. His...

Evelyn O.

Evelyn Ornelus is eighteen years old and she wants to finish school. Both of her parents were fatally wounded in the earthquake of 2010 and she went to live in the tent city with her older sister. She began working to help her sister take care of the children and so...

Sophia B.

  Sophia is fourteen years old and her birthday is October 21st. She has two brothers and two sisters and she lives in Hope Village of Galette Chambon. Before she moved here, she lived in Delmas where her family lost everything in the earthquake. Now, her mother...