Richardson D.

Richardson Dor is seventeen years old and he is so thankful for the chance to start back to school in the class for older students. He had to drop out of school when he was 13 because he has eight brother sand three sisters and his parents just can’t afford to send...

Estanley D.

  Estanley Dor is 17 years old and he lives in Galette Chambon. His birthday is January 15th He went to school when he was younger, but he had to stop going when he turned 12 because his father needed help with the farm and his parents could not afford to send...

Wadson J.

Wadson Joseph is 14 years old and lives in Galette Chambon with his father and grandmother. His mother lives in another village and he has not seen her in several years. He has three sisters and seven brothers that live with his mother. He now lives with his father...

Lancie Catel

She is in 5th grade and French is her favorite class. Her favorite color is purple. Lancie has 4 brothers and 5 sisters. Her father is a farmer and her mother is a street vendor for clothes. C

Bydjoona Catel

She is in 4th grade and her favorite class is reading. Her favorite color is white. Bydjoona has 1 sister. Her father is a motorcycle taxi driver and her mother is a street vendor for rice and oil.

Louisna D.

Louisna Destil is 19 years old and her birthday is March 15th . She lives with her parents and 8 siblings in Galette Chambon. Her parents have never been able to afford to send her to school so she cannot read or write. However, when she learned that her younger...