Jona J.

  Jona is an 11 years old with a big family! Her mother and father are raising her and her six siblings. She has three sisters and three brothers. Her dad is a farmer and her mom stays home to take care of the family. She likes to help her mom in the kitchen by...

Borgela J.

  Borgela is 17 years old and loves to play soccer. His dad passed away a few years ago. He has one sister and lives in Galette Chambon. He loves to go to school and really enjoys Social Science classes. He also enjoys his math classes. He hopes one day to become...

Kenderson N.

 Kenderson is 16 year old boy from Gros Balancè. He lives with his family in a one bedroom home. He shares his room with his mom and dad and six siblings.  He has three sisters and three brothers.  His mom is a vender in the local market and his dad is a farmer who is...

Selest L.

  Selest Louis is a seventeen year old young man who loves to learn. His family lives in Galette Chambon. He has one sister and six brothers. His mom passed away and his dad is working very hard as a farmer to support his eight children. Selest wants to learn...

Chela D.

Chela Dorle is an hard working eleven year old girl who lives in Gros Balancè. She has seven siblings, five sister and two brothers. Her parents work hard every day. Her mother is a vender at the local market and her father works tirelessly to try and grow a new crop...

Djeffnaider M.

Djeffnaider is an adorable five year old boy who lives in the Hope Center Village. His family lost everything in the earthquake and they had to move to the tent city when he was just an infant. They moved to the Hope Center Village with his two sisters and one...