Nandy Lourdena L.

  Nandy Louvdena is a bright nineteen year old who is very ready to enter her senior year! She was sponsored but recently lost her sponsorship. It would be such a shame for her to make it all the way to her senior year and then not be able to to continue school....

Wandy Fevrier

Wandy lives in the village of Mathias where there is no school. He will have to walk an hour each way to school and back to attend school in Thoman but is very excited about the possibility to go to school and learn. Wandy loves to play soccer and his favorite color...

Fabienne Catel

Fabienne is in 4th grade and her favorite subject is French.  Her favorite color is red and she would like to be a doctor. She loves to jump and loves swinging on on the new swings at the school.  Fabienne has 3 brothers and 2 sisters and her parents are...

Mimose Acsimma

Mimose has 2 brothers and 2 sisters, her father is a farmer.  She likes to jump rope and play hide and seek.  Her favorite color is red and she wants to be a teacher when she grows up.

Fresnel D.

Fresnel is the youngest school age child in a family of eleven. He has one younger sister and all of his other siblings are older than him. He has always wanted to go to school with his brothers and sisters, but he wasn’t old enough. He is so excited that he is...

Dabenson T.

Dabenson is eleven years old and lives in the village of Galette Chambon with his mother and aunt, older sister, and four cousins. Dabens and his mother moved in with his aunt three years ago when they lost their home in a neighboring village because of a flood. They...