Frantzon J.

Frantzon is a bright thirteen year old from the village of Dalgrow near Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents and two brothers who all work in a large garden in their village with several other families. Every summer, Frantzon works hard with his family to...

Dadeley P.

Dadeley is a loving eighteen year old from Hope Center Village in the village in Galette Chambon. She lives there with her single father, one sister, and four brothers. Her father is affectionately known as “Boss Henry” and he is our local tailor in the...

Mirlie P.

Mirlie is a bright thirteen year old girl who is moving back to Hope Center village this summer from spending the last year living in Croix des Bouquet with her uncle. Her daddy is affectionately known throughout the village as “Boss Henry.” He is our tailor and...

Emmanuel G.

Emmanuel is a bright 12 year old from Galette Chambon who wants desperately to find a sponsor. He has been going to school at Salomon’s school, but his father left his family a few months ago and now his mother is trying to support 7 children with no income. Director...

Gedaelle T.

    Gedaelle is a beautiful young lady from the village of Gwo Balanse near Galette Chambon. She is twelve years old and lives with her mother, sister, and four brothers. Their father died three years ago. When he died, their mother sold what livestock they had to pay...

Stephania V.

Stephania is a lively young sixteen year old from the village of Plachal near Galette Chambon. She lives with her parents, three sisters, and two brothers. Her parents do not work, so it is really hard for the family to survive much less go to school. During the...