Gerlande L.

Gerlande  is in our BGM High School and currently about to finish the ninth grade. She lives in Galette Chambon with her mother, three brothers and four sisters. Their father died when Gerlande was five. Gerlande loves to help her mother with her siblings and she...

Imbly M.

Imbly is one of our high school eighth graders. He lives in the village of Galette Chambon with his mother, sister, and brother. His mother is a vendor in the local market selling crops she grows in their garden. Although his mother works very hard to provide for the...

Isaac V.

Isaac is a bright seven year old who recently came to live with his aunt on the hill behind Hope Center. He and his brother Jhonley came to live with their aunt after their mother died. Their father is unable to take care of them and send them to school, so they came...

Jhonley V.

Jhonley recently moved to the village above Hope Center to live with his aunt Benita because his mother died and his father has no one to help him take care of his children. Jhonley and his brother Isaac moved in with this aunt Benita two weeks ago after the death of...

Nasthadya B.

Nasthadya is a happy little seven year old from the village of Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, aunt, and cousins and her mother doesn’t have a job. She and her mother depend on the generosity of her aunt and other family members to survive. Nasthadya...

Darline Jn Marc P.

    Darline is a spunky little eleven year old from the village of Plas Charles near Galette Chambon. She lives with her father, sister, and brother. Her father is a mason and helps build houses when he can find work. The economy isn’t always too good,...