Birthday: October 11, 2003 Sponsorship #: 2020-00-024M

Chedeline is a nineteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her mother, three sisters, and two brothers. Her mother does not have a consistent source of income, so the family struggles to survive. They count on the generosity of aunts and uncles to share with them to support the family. Chedeline is very smart and wants to be a nurse one day. She loves to study and her favorite subjects are mathematics, English, and biology. She wants to get better at speaking English because she knows it will be easier to find a job one day if she can speak English. She is thankful for the opportunity to be in the sponsorship program, and she is praying that one day someone will select her and her brother to be sponsored so they can be educated without putting too much burden on the family. She prays daily for God to bless her with a sponsor.