Chedeline A.

Chedeline is a nineteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her mother, three sisters, and two brothers. Her mother does not have a consistent source of income, so the family struggles to survive. They count on the generosity of aunts and...

Berlanda P.

Berlanda is a 7th grader at our BGM High School. We are in the process of adding about 70 young people to our sponsorship page. In order to do this, we have to conduct interviews with each one of them and enter that information onto their sponsorship webpage. With the...

Justin A.

Abraham is a 6th grader at BGM Primary. He is very excited about attending the new school so that he can move on to the high school next year. In order to do so, however, he must have a sponsorship because his family cannot afford to pay for school. We are in the...

Blandia D.

Blandia is a precious twelve year old who Is new to the village of Hope Center in Galette Chambon. She lives with her aunt and uncle and she has one sister. She was living with her mom and grandmother in Port au Prince but the area where they live is very dangerous...

Andreas David L.

  Andreas is a lively little six year old who lives with his father, step-mother, brother and two sisters in Hope Center Village in Galette Chambon. He used to live with his mother in Port au Prince but she died in 2018 and he moved in with his father and his...

Wislande M.

Wislande is a happy little eight year old girl from the village of Place Charles in Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother and brother. Her mother works in a local garden to try to make money to support the family, but she doesn’t make much. Wislande loves...