Birthday: September 27, 2002 Sponsorship #: 2020-00-083M

Rima is an eighteen year old who lives in Galette Chambon. He lives with his cousin so that he can be close to his school.  He has five sisters, and three brothers. His father is a farmer in another village, and his mother takes the produce to market to sell along with other things that she tries to sell. The parents cannot afford to send all of their children to school, so they have allowed them to go to school only if they can get a sponsor. Some of his siblings do have sponsors and others do not. The only reason Rima has been able to go to school is because he has worked odd jobs in the summer for his uncle and he saves that to pay for school. He is thankful that he has been able to do that, but the economy has been so bad lately that his uncle has not had much work to give him. He desperately wants to be able to continue school because he is so close to graduating.  When he is not in school, he enjoys studying his lessons and playing soccer with friends. His favorite subject is Social Science, and when he grows up, he would like to become a doctor.