Louisemene Pierre

Louisemene lives in the village of Mathias where there is no school. She will have to walk an hour each way to attend school in Thoman but is very excited about the possibility of being able to learn.  Louisemene loves playing soccer and writing and her favorite color...

Gladys Jeanrelus

Gladys lives in the village of Mathias where there is no school.  She will have to walk an hour each way to attend school in Thoman but is very excited about the possibility of being able to attend school and learn. Gladys loves singing and her favorite color is red....

Cedline Jean

  Cedline lives in the village of Mathias where there is no school. She will walk an hour each way to attend school in Thoman, but is so happy that she may be able to go to school and start learning! Cedline loves to jump rope and her favorite color is red. Her...

Rosemanie Oristal

Rosemanie lives in the village of Mathias where there is no school.  She will have to walk an hour each way and back to attend school in Thoman but is very excited about the possibility of going to school and being able to learn. Rosemanie has two brothers ages 15 and...

Rosemana Derival

Rosemana has 8 brothers and 2 sisters.  Her father is a farmer and her mother is a salesperson.  Her favorite color is blue and her favorite subject in school is french.  She wants to be a nurse when she grows up and likes to wash dishes and help her mother.