Nayda E

Nayda has  2 sisters.  Her father is a teacher and her is Mother is a cook at the market.  Her favorite activity is to do dishes and study.  Her favorite color is green and she wants to be a nurse when she grows up.

Kenlove D.

Kenlove has 1 brother, his father passed away and he lives with his grandparents. His Mother left when his Father passed away. His favorite activity is playing with his trucks and his favorite color is white  He wants to ride motorcycles when he grows up.

Derlins D.

Derlins has 1 brother,  his father passed away and he lives with his grandparents.  His Mother left when his Father passed away.  His favorite activity is playing with his trucks and his favorite color is white.

Kenley J

Kenley will start first grade of kindergarten in September in the school in Mathias. He lives with his mother (who is mute) and has one brother age 2, and three sisters ages 17, 15, and 13. Kenley loves playing soccer.

Lovelie Y

Lovelies will start first grade of kindergarten in September in the school in Mathias. Her parents are farmers and she has two brothers ages 6 and 1, and two sisters ages 10 and 8. Lovelie’s favorite color is white and she loves playing with her friends.