Dacheline A.

DACHELINE is a beautiful ten year old from the village of Galette Chambon. She is starting back to school in the third grade because she could not afford to go to school for the last two years. She lives with her mother, sister, and two brothers in Galette Chambon....

Christerline J.

Christerline is a kind and loving thirteen year old from the village of Kagwo near Galette Chambon. She lives with her parents and two sisters. Her parents are farmers in the village and they sell the produce they harvest at market. They have been able to make a...

Dieudoné J.

Dieudoné is a timid five year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with his parents, sister, and three brothers. His parents are farmers in the village. They work the fields, pick the produce, and then take it to market to sell. Sometimes they do pretty...

Vadensky R.

Vadensky is a bright and energetic 8 year old from Galette Chambon who lives with his parents and two sisters. His parents try to run a little market out of their home, but they don’t make much money. The economy is really bad right now and it is hard to make...

Kerbison S.

Kerbison is a special little boy who LOVES to dance! He lives with his parents, three sisters, and one brother in Galette Chambon. His parents work a small garden and sell as much produce as they can at market to provide for their family. They have worked hard to be...

Kenley I.

Kenley is a bright nine year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with his parents, two sisters and brother. His father is a construction contractor in the village and his mother sells things in the local market. In the past, his father has made enough...