Samuel M.

Samuel is a precious ten year old who lives in Hope Center Village. He lives with his mother, sister and two brothers. He moved to Hope Center village with his family after his family was discovered living in a structure made of tarp and tin in the back of the...

Samayou J.

Samayou is a lively little three year old who lives in the Dalgro area of Galette Chambon. She lives with her grandmother because her mother was a single mom who died shortly after giving birth to Samayou. Her grandmother is a vendor at market and times have been very...

Roojina A.

Roojina is a spunky and bright 9 year old who lives with her father, two brothers, and baby sister in Hope Center Village. Her mother was Ruth, the seamstress that worked with RH Kouti from it’s beginnings in 2012. For almost ten years, Rood’s family had a...

Micanor A.

Micanor is a shy thirteen year old who lives with his aunt and his brother and sister in the village of Galette Chambon. Micanor and his siblings are very appreciative that their aunt took them in when their mother disappeared, but they feel like they are a burden on...

Madrika J.B.

Madrika is a loving and bright thirteen year old from the area of Bonet. She and her mother and two sisters evacuated from their village when the gang took over and they moved in with family in Galette Chambon. Her parents are vendors who farm and then sell what they...