Birthday:   March 27, 2021              Sponsorship #: 2024-00-050S


CARLE HERVE is a quiet little 3 year old who has been going to our BGM Preschool in K1 since January. He lives in the area called Plasman in the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents who are farmers. He doesn’t have any brothers or sisters, but is mother is expecting a baby soon. His parents are young and never had the chance to finish school because they couldn’t afford it, so his father began helping his grandfather with the family farming plot. They farm corn, sugar cane, and millet. It is hard, hard work and his grandfather is in poor health, so the majority of the work depends on his father. They put Carl Herve in school so that his mother could help in the mornings when it is cooler, but she won’t be able to work for much longer. Carl Herve’s father works hard, but between droughts, excessive rains, and extreme dangers in the market, they have struggled to survive. The markets near the village that are still functioning to sell their produce are now only open on certain days of the month, so that makes it difficult to manage the sale of crops. Sometimes his harvest will sit in wagons waiting for a chance to go to market only to spoil while he waits. It is a hard, hard life and that is why it is so important to Carl Herve’s parents that he go to school. They are so thankful that there is still a good school in the village that not only provides a Christian education but also food daily for their child to eat because there are many days that all they have to eat at home is a few ears of corn that they have kept for themselves to survive. It would be so helpful if Carle Herve had a sponsor because they just don’t think they will be able to pay tuition for the coming school year. Carle Herve enjoys playing with friends at school, singing songs with his teachers, and learning to write his name. His favorite activity at school is coloring. When he grows up he wants to be a doctor.