Birthday: September 14, 2014 Sponsorship #: 2024-00-038HC

Woodnaelle is a shy ten year old from the village of Bwa Blan near Galette Chambon. She lives with her parents who are farmers with her sister and three brothers. Life has become extremely difficult for Woodnaelle’s family because of the national crisis of violence and famine. Her parents have been unable to take their produce to market, and much of it has ruined. They are very thankful that they can send their children to school so that they can at least eat one meal a day. Woodnaelle cannot go to school, however, if she doesn’t have a sponsor. Woodnaelle enjoys going to church, playing with friends, helping work around the house and helping her mother cook, eating, and sleeping. Her favorite subject in school is French and when she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.