Birthday: December 9, 2021 Sponsorship #: 2024-00-032HC

Neyla is a precious two year old in the K1 program at BGM Preschool. Her mother teaches at BGM Preschool and she goes to school with her mother. She also has two sisters who go to BGM Primary. They live in the village of Galette Chambon. Her mother makes a decent income as a teacher, but it is very hard to make ends meet by herself, providing for three children. They rent their small, one-room house made of dirt, and by the time she pays for rent, they don’t have much money left for tuition. She is thankful that they can eat a good, hot meal at school. Neyla enjoys playing with friends, going to church with her mama, singing, and taking the goats to get water. She loves to count and is very proud that she can count to 15! When she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.