Birthday: OCTOBER 11, 2008 Sponsorship #: 2024-00-006S


Chinaydo is a very bright fifteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother, one sister, and three brothers. His mother tries to make money selling things at market but with the dangers in the village, it has been hard to safely get to market to sell their goods. They can barely put food on the table much less pay for school. When the school year started, they had enough to register him and pay the first semester of tuition, however, they have not been able to pay the second semester. He must get a sponsor to continue school. Chinaydo enjoys studying and playing soccer with his friends. His favorite subjects are mathematics and French. When he grows up, he wants to go to school to become an agronomist so that he can help the farmers in his village produce more crops.