Birthday: Dec 14, 2017 Sponsorship #: 2023-00-157HC

NAYCHRISLIE  is a precious six year old from the village of Galette Chambon who lives with her mother and two brothers. Her mother works as a cook at one of the BGM schools, but she only makes $90 per month which is not enough to support three children and send them to school. She is very thankful that she has a job, but it would be so helpful if her children could go to school without having to pay tuition. She loves the BGM schools and is hopeful about her children’s’ future if they go to the BGM School, but she just can’t afford to pay the tuition without sponsorship. Naychrislie is a bright and cheerful child who loves to play with friends, wash dishes, go to school and church, and learn. The principal has allowed her to start this school year out, but with the condition that she be able to continue with a sponsor. Her favorite subject in school is mathematics and when she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.