Birthday: Dec 22, 2020 Sponsorship #: 2023-00-156S

JOHN KERRY is a precious three year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents, two brothers, and one sister. His parents farm and work as vendors in the local market. It has been extremely difficult to support the family in the last few years, however, because of dangers in the village and a strained economy. They feel like if their children can go to school, it would help them to be able to work more and make more money to support their family. It would also be helpful that their children could eat a good meal at school. John Kerry enjoys playing with friends, going to church, helping his father in the garden, and learning to write. He is excited about the possibility of starting school soon and wants to learn to read and write. When he grows up, he thinks he wants to become a lawyer.