Birthday: April 20, 2012
Sponsorship #: 2023-00-153HC

Edline is a bright and happy, petite eleven year old who lives in the village of Coupette near Galette Chambon. She lives with her parents, four brothers, and one sister. Her parents are farmers who work a garden and sell their produce in market. They have done fairly well to support the family in the past, but for the last two years, they have struggled because it is too dangerous to take things to market. Supporting six children is simply impossible in the current economy, much less sending them to school. About four years ago, they were in a pretty good place to send Edeline’s brothers to school, but now none of their kids are in school now. Edline is really smart and has taught herself how to read and write. She has tested to see where she would be placed if she gets a sponsor and she tested on the second grade level. Edline enjoys playing with friends, studying lessons, going to church, and helping in the garden. Her favorite subject is mathematics, and when she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.