Birthday: June 10, 2007 Sponsorship #:2023-00-107M

Wooderson is one of our high school students at BGM High School. He is currently in the 10th grade. He lives in an area called Place Charles in Galette Chambon. He lives with his father and sister. His father is a tap-tap driver. This year, his father was able to pay the deposit and first installment on his tuition, but as the economy got worse and worse, his father was not able to make enough money to pay tuition. The school allowed him to finish the school year, but if he is unable to get a sponsor, he will not be able to register for school for the next school year. Wooderson is hopeful that he will get a sponsor so that he can continue the last four years of his high schooling. Wooderson enjoys working around the house, gardening, playing soccer, and studying. His favorite subject is Experimental Science, and when he grows up, he wants to become an agronomist.