Birthday: May 16 2010 Sponsership#: 2023-00-036M

Sonika L. is a bright and happy thirteen year old from the area of Coupet near Galette Chambon. She lives with her parents, two sisters, and one brother. Her parents are vendors in the local market. Sonika and her siblings must leave their home around 6:00 in the morning each day, cross a river, and walk through some dangerous territory to get to school every day, but they are determined to go to school. With all of the latest insecurities in the area, their parents have not been able to sell things in market like they are used to, so money has become very tight. They are hoping that Sonika can get a sponsorship so that she doesn’t have to sit out of school until they can afford to put her back in. Sonika enjoys working around the house, studying lessons from school, and sleeping. Her favorite subject is French. When she grows up, she wants to become a teacher and teach in the BGM School system.