Birthday: February12, 2017 Sponsership#: 2023-00-093HC

Sephora J. is a precious six year old from an area called Gowvo near Galette Chambon. She lives with her parents, four sisters, and four brothers. Her parents are share croppers in a large local garden. She are allowed to keep some of the produce they gather for themselves to sell at market to make money. With the economy as it has been, feeding a family of ten on what little income they can get from this work, it is nearly impossible for them to pay tuition to send their children to school. Sephora is so smart, and they want desperately for her to be able to continue school, but the only way she can do that is through sponsorship. Sephora enjoys playing with friends, working around the house, helping her parents in the garden, and studying her lessons. Her favorite subject in school is mathematics and when she grows up, she wants to be an accountant.