Birthday: August 31, 2009 Sponsorship #: 2023-00-086M

Rosena is a beautiful fourteen year old from the area of Plachal in Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, sister, and two brothers. Her mother works hard as a vendor at market to provide for her family, but she doesn’t make enough money to support all of her children on her own. The family must rely on the generosity of neighbors and other family members to survive. Last year, Rosena’s uncle helped her make the deposit to register for school and he made the first installment on her tuition in December, then he became very sick and was unable to work and could not help her any longer. The principal said he would allow her to continue in school, but in order to return to school in the Fall she will have to get a sponsor. Rosena prays that someone will read her story and be led by God to sponsor her. Rosena enjoys studying her school lessons, sleeping, and working around the house. Her favorite subject is English. When she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.