Birthday: December 31, 2019 Sponsorship #: 2023-00-085HC

Roseberline is a precious little three year old that goes to the BGM Preschool. She lives in Hope Center Village with her parents, three sisters, and one brother. Her parents have a small market next to their house where the try to sell things like candy, household products, and canned goods. In the past, they have done pretty well with their little store, but because of the gang that wanders about the village, it is hard for them to get to the distributor to restock their products. Even if they do get to the nearest town to buy goods, getting back home without being robbed is very difficult. It has made it very difficult to make a living to support their family. This year, they were able to pay the registration for Roseberline to start kindergarten, but after that, they were not able to continue paying her tuition to continue. She was able to finish the school year, but she will not be able to return unless she has a sponsor. Roseberline enjoys playing with friends, going to church, and coloring. Her favorite thing to do in school is color. When she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.