Birthday: January 31, 2010 Sponsorship#: 2023-00-120S

 John Kelly is Jonkey’s brother. John Kelly is is a friendly and smart thirteen year old from the village of Dalgwo near Galette Chambon. He lives with his parents, four sisters, and two brothers. His parents are farmers in the village. Although in the past, his parents have been able to make enough money to feed their family, they have not been able to afford to send their children to school. Now that the economy has become so rough, they are having a hard time even feeding their children. They figure if they can get their children sponsored to go to school, not only will they learn to read and write, which will make for a better future for them, but they will also get to eat at school every day. This would be a huge relief to his parents. John Kelly enjoys working in the garden with his father, playing with friends, eating, sleeping, and going to church. He thinks that his is favorite subjects will be mathematics and Creole, and when he grows up, he wants to own his own farm and raise goats and cows with his brother.