Birthday:December 14, 2010 Sponsorship#:2023-00-117S

Gabriella is a precious thirteen year old from the village of Galette Chambon. She lives with her mother, sister, and brother. Her mother works with several other ladies in the village to sell a few household products, cosmetics, and they cook food on the side in a little market in the village. The economy has suffered tremendously in the last few years and Gabriella’s mother has decided that if she cannot get a sponsor to help her continue school, she will have to quit school and help her mom in the market. Gabriella is very smart and she does not want to have to drop out of school. She prays daily that she can get a sponsor. Gabriella enjoys reading Creole, playing with friends, studying lessons from school, and going to church with her family. Her favorite subject in school is social studies. When she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.