Birthday:December 30,2015 Sponsorship#:2023-00-115HC

Edmica is a bright and lively eight year old who lives near Hope Center village in Galette Chambon with her parents, three brothers, and five sisters. Her father is one of our village leaders. He is one of only two of our original committee leaders who still lives in the village. Others have fled to other areas for their safety. Her father, Eddy, helps look after the BGM primary school and pre-school as well as works as an advocate for needs in the village. He doesn’t make much money, but he works hard to protect the interests of the ministry. His wife does try to supplement his income by selling a few items at market when she can, but that has been hard to do with the recent gang violence all through the village. They would love for Edmica to be sponsored so that they can focus their income on feeding the family. Edmica enjoys playing with friends, relaxing at her house, studying her school lessons, going to church, eating, and sleeping. Her favorite subject is mathematics, and when she grows up, she wants to become a nurse.