Birthday:June 30,2016 Sponsorship#:2023-00-114S

Daniel is a quiet and gentle seven year old from the village of Galette Chambon. He lives with his mother, four sisters, and two brothers. Their single mother works hard as a vendor in the local market, but her income alone is not enough to support her six children and send them to school. At one time, all of the school age children in the family were going to school because their father made decent money as a mechanic and he had an auto parts store as well. However, last year, the gang attacked and robbed his business and killed their father when he resisted. The village has helped support Daniel’s family in the aftermath, but it has been very hard. None of the children went to school at all last year. This year, Daniel wants to be able to start back to school, but he will not be able to unless he has a sponsor. Daniel likes to play with friends, help his mother by working around the house, eating, sleeping, and bathing. His favorite subject in school is Creole, and when he grows up, he wants to study to become a doctor.