Birthday: JULY 7, 2010 Sponsorship #: 2023-00-049HC

CLERBY is a very intelligent thirteen year old in our BGM 7th grade. He lives in the area called Place Charles in Galette Chambon with his “paren” which is like an adoptive father. He has seven brothers and seven sisters as well. Clerby and his siblings were taken in by this friend of the family when their parents were killed in an accident two years ago. It is a huge responsibility to take on fourteen children into your household in an instant. Clerby and his siblings had been going to school and doing very well when this happened, and his adoptive father doesn’t want him to miss any school, so he really needs to get a sponsor. This would take a huge load off of Clerby’s mind as well as his “paran.” Clerby loves to play soccer with his friends and study his lessons. He LOVES to learn! His favorite subject is Social Studies and when he grows up, he wants to become a doctor!